Global Homes Inc has been involved in the construction industry in various capacities for almost 25 years. It started in Pennsylvania in 2000 with Global Drywall Inc., a drywall, paint and trim installation company that specializes in new home construction. Since 2000, we’ve expanded into New Jersey, Delaware, Tennessee, Florida, and most recently, Georgia.
Since Global Drywall, Inc. has established many relationships in the construction industry over the years, in 2015 we formed Global Homes, Inc. Working in Tennessee since 2015, we’ve built new homes and performed many interior and exterior renovations. We’ve built in new home communities and on single infill lots within an existing community. Lots became increasingly unaffordable and hard to get so we started purchasing our own land and hired contractors to develop building lots for us.
In 2019, we formed Global Development, LLC, a separate entity from Global Homes. Since 2019, we’ve managed the development of several new home communities and have sold over 400 lots to other builders in Tennessee. As of 2024, we are currently managing the development of 500 building lots, a 600-unit self-storage facility and a 120-acre mixed use commercial project.
Over the years, Global Drywall, Global Homes, and Global Development have established many relationships with subcontractors, suppliers, architects and engineers. These partnerships allow Global Homes to be the one source for all of your home construction needs.